Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Heavens are Crashing into my Earth

Wow. So much has happen since my last post. I got my mission call and went through the temple. I am going to the South Africa Cape Town mission English speaking (thank goodness) It is strange. I got exactly what I wanted. I got a foreign English speaking mission in a rul setting and i most likely won't get a car :) I'm almost embarrassed to admit it but i wanted a mission that people would ooo and awww over. I love telling people south africa and seeing their reactions. I will always remember the audible gasp that the congregation made when brother allred announced it over the pullet. I am studying so much harder now for my mission. Every RM i talk to tells me that the more I study Preach My Gospel the more prepared I will be. I am very blessed i think. I have four months to prepare for the best two years of my life. Oh on a related note in seven days Jake Johnson will get his call. I am very curious where he will go. He is a good guy and i hope he will do well. The temple was quite the experience. I felt like i hadn't spent my life time preparing for the temple like i have spent my life preparing for my mission but you know what i really have spent my life preparing for the temple. I want everyone to go through now so I think a mission will suit me just fine.

Monday, February 23, 2009

monday sunny monday

Today is monday and I feel pretty good about it. I'm opitimistic and just in general have a good additude. I think that I'm just feeling the glow. Joey went to church and the building did not fall over. He went all three hours but didn't stay for the linger longer. It was funny joey and kyle took off as soon as they could. I like the linger longer. We ate tocos. I sat with some people that i had never talked to before but i knew them by face. We talked about monopoly. I think that we should have fun board games that we play. I have enterained the idea for a while of us getting scotland yard and whoever isn't Mr. X gets all five peices to move. That would be fun don't you think? I got this idea b/c from what my mom and dad said was that after they got married they did that a lot with life b/c they were so bored. Well no not bored. They went being full time working students to being normal folk. Then they had kids! life then was never boring again. But we might have to find a different game b.c you always beat me almost everytime >.< and you like it!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Today we are learning about tsunami today. Holy cow do a google image search for it look at the pictures. It is really just cool. I'm not sure what to think about it. I think that it is just cool how big and just unfathomable. I almost want to be in one just to see what happens. I guess i just like big. Anyways my swimming class got canceled due to the army. Rename, a guy in my swimming class and physics class, told me today during physics. We were kinda disappointed. We also didn't have swim class on tuesday. USU does something strange. If there is a break from class on a monday then you have monday classes on tuesday. So in short i'm going to be fat this week. Also i have an update on the spring break ride. We hit a snag. I sorta hit two snags. First is how to get whitney up here to ride down. The second is whitney isn't thrilled about going. So we need someone to try to drive her uphere or someone to pick us up once we get here...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

the start

Cora this blog is mostly for you. Later today I'm going to have a conversation with you about how it feels like we are drifting apart. No that isn't accurate. You life is getting busier and my life was already busy so finding time for each other is getting harder. Now I need to be better. I have been doing dumb things like multitasking while talking to you and now that i think of this i have been quite rude. I have not been calling every night like i used to and this last weekend i was not on my best behavior. While there are other factors that are keeping us apart the biggest thing is me not stepping up to the plate. I haven't talked to you about any big things lately and have kinda been a butt. So I am resolving to be better. You can expect a call from me every night (or very close to every night), a blog with daily updates, and you will take a higher priority in my life. I have been lax and lazy but no more. You see i love you dearly and your a smart girl and have probably noticed this happening but you are much too nice a person to tell me i'm being dumb. Well no more. Cora i love you and so i'll keep these three things. Now there are outside forces that cannot be helped such as your mom making up rules but we can work around all of those. (next time we go out i suggest calling her everytime we move ie for saturday we would have called when you got to my house when we went to joc then when we got to the store then when we got to joc again then when we got to the megaplex then when we went walking then when we ate lunch then when we saw the movie then after the movie ect ect) but i digress and this paragraph is a mess. In conclusion, I need to be better about talking to you and so i will because i want to keep you for a very very long time. so with out further aduo the blogg...


I was not a good jake this morning. I slept in much too late. I didn't get up until ten minutes before my second class. I know i shouldn't have but it really did feel good to just lay in bed. I wonder what i missed. Oh well. It hit me today that i have two tests coming up! and that physics only has two more weeks til i'm done with that class! holy cow that means i'll go from a 15 hour load to a 13 hour load :) I also pondered today over Alma the older and Kind Noah in the Book of Mormon. You see both after hearing the words of abinadi they both wanted to change. It is in chapter 17 where King Noah wants to change but his priests push him to stay wicked and yet alma risked it all to plead for abinadie's life. Then I started to think about how we are thought that the accutal conversion takes time so probably both of them had already known that what they were doing was wrong. Alma just needed a little push. Alma was perfectly ready to have a change of heart. All he needed was an oppertunity to or maybe just an example. Then i though what would it have to take to push king noah over the edge? Surely he could be saved. It seems like if only his priests had changed with him then he would have changed too. So we see how important it is to pick good friends. I bet both of those men could have at the least done more of a slow with drawl. Stopped hanging out with the priests slowly but surely. I have had to do that before and it is most effective. Then you'll find that what your friends do you do so pick some good ones. After all of this i found myself in front of a computer and started typing after typing for some time i reliezed that this could be boring. So thus i am still thinking of new and effect ways to connect to you.